OKR Examples
How OKRs Drive Change and Innovation
European middle-sized companies where OKRs Drive Change and Innovation
Wolt - Wolt is a food delivery company based in Helsinki, Finland. They have leveraged OKRs to drive change and innovation by setting clear and measurable objectives, and aligning their teams around a shared vision and strategy.
Objective: Enhance Delivery Experience for Customers
Key Result 1: Reduce delivery time by 10% within 6 months
Key Result 2: Increase customer satisfaction rating by 8% within 6 months
Key Result 3: Launch new delivery options (e.g. bike delivery) in 2 cities within 8 months
Albelli is a photo book and wall décor company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. They have used OKRs to drive innovation by setting ambitious goals, empowering employees to take ownership, and regularly reassessing their progress and refining their strategies.
Objective: Expand Product Offerings
Key Result 1: Launch 2 new photo book formats within 4 months
Key Result 2: Increase sales from new product offerings by 20% within 6 months
Key Result 3: Enhance user experience by launching a new mobile app within 8 months

Icertis is a cloud-based contract management software company based in Berlin, Germany. They have leveraged OKRs to drive change and innovation by aligning their teams, promoting transparency and accountability, and continuously iterating and refining their objectives and key results.
Objective: Strengthen Customer Relationships
Key Result 1: Increase customer retention rate by 5% within 6 months
Key Result 2: Increase customer satisfaction rating by 10% within 6 months
Key Result 3: Launch 3 new customer success initiatives within 8 months

Personio is a HR management software company based in Munich, Germany. They have used OKRs to drive innovation by setting clear and measurable objectives, fostering a culture of collaboration, and empowering employees to take ownership and drive results.
Objective: Improve Employee Experience
Key Result 1: Increase employee engagement by 15% within 6 months
Key Result 2: Enhance onboarding process to reduce time to productivity by 20% within 8 months
Key Result 3: Launch 3 new employee development programs within 9 months

Voi Technology is an electric scooter rental company based in Stockholm, Sweden. They have leveraged OKRs to drive change and innovation by setting ambitious goals, fostering a culture of experimentation and iteration, and continuously refining their strategies and objectives.
Objective: Expand Service Coverage
Key Result 1: Launch service in 5 new cities within 6 months
Key Result 2: Increase daily rides by 20% within 8 months
Key Result 3: Enhance user experience by launching new payment options within 9 months

These are just a few examples of European middle-sized companies that have successfully leveraged OKRs to drive change and innovation. By setting clear and measurable objectives, aligning teams, and promoting a culture of experimentation, these companies have been able to create a culture of innovation and drive meaningful results.