I've always been a fan of science fiction, dreaming of living in the world of the future. I dream for a world where there are no wars and borders, where human intellect collaborate with artificial intelligence, and humanity evolves into a multi-planetary species. This passion has driven me to choose career paths and interests that help move our world towards a brighter future.
To contribute to this vision, I assist businesses in their growth, helping them to setup and achieve ambitious goals and at the same time, developing a culture of respect, transparency, and teamwork. These are the transformative effects of implementing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results).
Thanks to OKR I learned about exponential organizations.
In 2018, we were tasked with conducting a two-day session for 120 team leaders from a large travel corporation. The goal was to establish OKRs for their teams, which first required identifying growth drivers and setting OKRs based on them.
The organizers gave us the book by Salim Ismail and suggested that the growth drivers should be identified in accordance with the principles and attributes stated in the book. This opened up an entirely new world for me! I found the book deeply inspiring, and it fundamentally shifted my perspective of view.
Since then, I've frequently incorporated the concept of exponential organizations into my courses for business leaders and strategic sessions.
Therefore, when I discovered the
ExO community, I started with the articles on the site, and soon enough, I decided to join the community, where I met many interesting and inspiring people.
At present, my aspiration is to contribute to an ExO sprint team, where I can share my OKR expertise and make some meaningful impact.