Team Coaching
Discovering the Synergy: Systemic Team Coaching in OKR Implementation
In the rapidly evolving world of business, the integration of Systemic Team Coaching (STC) principles with Objective and Key Results (OKR) implementation is proving to be a game changer. My expertise in STC, developed through a comprehensive program with WBECS under Peter Hawkins, enhances my approach to facilitating OKR in organizations.
Systemic Approach to OKR Implementation
The essence of STC lies in viewing the team as part of a larger ecosystem. This perspective is vital in OKR implementation, transitioning from short-term goals to long-term, systemic organizational growth. The Hawkins Five Disciplines Model of Team Effectiveness provides a framework through which teams can optimize their performance and alignment with organizational objectives.
Hawkins Five Disciplines Model of Team Effectiveness
Applying STC Principles to OKRs
Commissioning: The first step involves defining the organization's Strategy, Vision, and Mission. Using tools like Stakeholder Mapping and Centered Exploration, we articulate a clear purpose and set strategic goals.
OKR is a strategy execution system.
Usually, I start to work with top-management team, defining the Strategy for organization level, and then we share this with entire organization.
Some of the tools, I use from Systemic Team Coaching Toolbox, are:
-         Stakeholder mapping (using circles of intimacy)
-         Stakeholder Centered Exploration (for the most influential Stakeholders)
We described the Purpose from each of the chosen Stakeholders segment and then created the Statement.
Then we choose the period for setting a large strategic goal (usually a year, two or 3) and describe this goal for 4 or more perspectives along the Balanced Scorecard (Financial, Clients, Personal and Processes).
This session usually lasts about 8 hours, and as we had to work remotely, we divided it on 2 days for 4 hours.
After that, top-management team is ready to setup corporate OKRs
Clarifying: OKRs provide a structure for teams to clarify and align their goals with the organization's strategy. This involves setting specific, measurable objectives and key results, enhancing focus and accountability.
Objective and Key Results – are qualitative and quantitative formulations of goals that are set for a short foreseeable period, usually for a quarter, and are regularly monitored.
So, OKRs help teams to Clarify and Align – how they will realize their Commission.
OKR consists of 2 parts:
“An objective is a concise statement outlining a broad qualitative goal designed to propel the organization forward in a desired direction. Basically, it asks, “What do we want to do?”
A key result is a quantitative statement that measures the achievement of a given objective, asks, “How will we know if we’ve met our objective?”
[Paul R. Niven, Ben Lamorte. Objective and Key Results. Driving Focus, Alignment, and Engagement with OKRs. Willye, 2016]
For setup company level OKRs, we gather top-management and facilitate their discussion about the most important things, they have to focus this quartal to achieve strategic goals. We give everyone the opportunity to express their opinion and be heard, including using clustering on stickers.
Since the strategy usually involves changes, we pass all ideas through the filter “Run, Change, Disrupt”.
After all, the team left only from one to three Objectives and for each of them 3-5 specific measurable Key Results to monitor progress every week. Each OKR has an owner how is responsible to tracking the progress and solving obstacles.
Next step is setting up OKRs for the next level (Departments, teams) and align them vertically and horizontally.

Co-Creating: The success of ambitious goals depends on collaborative effort. Regular check-ins and retrospective sessions promote co-creation and continuous development.
When the team has set ambitious goals, the success of achievement depends on the coordination and involvement of everyone.
1) Every week, usually on Monday or Tuesday, team meet to check-in OKRs. As a coach, sometimes I visit those meetings to observe and give feedback. Sometimes after them we meet with the leader to discuss what was his style and how he can be more facilitative. On those meetings we can see how co-creation works in performing toward ambitious objectives.
Thanks to the training on the GCTI team coaching course, I started doing contracting with the team leader and time-outs during the meeting
2) For engagement and motivation, we propose to team to provide “Fridays” – Weekly or biweekly all hands or team meetings where Stories of Success are presented. Also, some time they invite me as a coach to observe.
3) And on the end of the quarter, just before next planning session, we provide a Retrospective session. This session works for co-creating development.
We discuss with all the participants what the past period was like for them. What are they proud of, for which they are grateful to their colleagues?
Where were the failures? What were the reasons for the failures? What was related to the business, and what was related to the relationship in the team?
The main part of the session is a brainstorming session aimed at solving the identified problems. The session ends with an action plan and conclusions that the team will take to the planning session for the next quarter.
As a coach, I help in these sessions to create an atmosphere of psychological safety, so that everyone can speak openly about what they like and dislike and offer their own ideas for development.
Retrospective sessions also cover the Core Learning discipline.
Connecting: Transparency is crucial in OKR implementation. Publishing goals and tracking progress enhances the connection between team members and stakeholders, promoting a unified effort towards common objectives.
All OKRs are published and everyone in the company, including Stakeholders, can see Objective and weekly progress in Key Results.
This practice creates good connection between all parties.
Also, Stakeholders could be invited on the quarterly review and after retrospective session Team can share with Stakeholders their conclusions, key lessons, and requests. As a coach when I provide the retrospective session, I ask them if they want to formulate those and help them to create this message

Core Learning: The retrospective sessions serve as a critical platform for collective learning. By employing a structured approach, these sessions help teams reflect, adapt, and plan effectively.

The integration of STC principles in OKR implementation offers a comprehensive approach to strategic planning and team development. For organizations looking to harness the power of OKRs, incorporating a systemic perspective can lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes. Contact us to explore how these insights can be applied to your organization's unique context.
OKR (Objective and Key Results) is a strategic execution framework that empowers organizations and teams with flexibility, adaptability, which means agility, focus, and alignment to drive progress toward clear and ambitious objectives and key results.

It is also a continuous discipline and communication culture that encourages employees to be actively involved in setting goals, measuring progress, celebrating success and learning from lessons.