In this example, the first point was fulfilled – there was a big strategic goal. But do they really need OKRs as a management system for strategic changes if everything is already defined at the CEO level, and the leaders’ goals are just for control?
In my experience, the best results from implementing OKRs occur when C-1 level leaders are involved in defining company-level OKRs. This way, they not only deepen their understanding of overall goals and synchronize their vision but also develop a sense of ownership. Then, they can more consciously communicate to their teams and set second-level OKRs. Not their own, as leaders, but team OKRs, involving their teams in the discussion.
By the way, I described in detail how I conduct OKR planning sessions in this article
And of course, before involving leaders in the planning session, it is necessary to clarify with them, relying on our checklist, why the company needs OKRs and what benefits they will gain.
In this article , I also explain why it’s better to set OKRs quarterly rather than annually, and not just at the team level but also at the company level.